Thursday, November 13, 2008

Smackin' It Back

Yesterday Sharon had a chest x-ray.

The mass was originally 5.1 x 2.7 and is now 4.7 x 2.6. While we have been advised that these readings can oscillate, there is no better news we could have asked for.

The tumor is in the 'smack back' direction, right where we want it. Responding to the chemo, visualizations, prayers, hopes, and EXPECTATIONS that we have for it.

Sharon continues to do really well. She speaks of the 'tumah' using her Arnold voice and calls family members on the phone while she is out of breath because she is engaged in her daily exercise regime. She is also looking into acupuncture and additional consults from a naturopathic doctor to broaden her scope of care.

So that's the good update for now, more to come later.


Rheanne said...

Yay! That's what I like to hear. Keep on smackin' mama!! Love.

MelTuck said...

"Tumah-Shmumah." (Direct quote from Arnold)

Sharon, What news! This is motivating, beautiful, and wonderful! Keep fighting, Super Lady!
