Monday, December 1, 2008

With Thanks

The week before Thanksgiving Aleyna and Olivia came home to spend some holiday and birthday time with Sharon. Sharon had her last chemotherapy on 11/ 19, and was feeling tired and wiped out for the first few days following the treatment. By the fourth day out her energy had begun to return, and she was very interested in taking a birthday dessert trip to a gelato shop with her daughters.

Sharon and Olivia visited a naturopathic doctor, and found the visit really helpful. The goal with the naturopathic doctor is to provide support for symptoms from chemo and to address side effects such as fatigue, nausea, etc. The doctor provided valuable information in many areas, such as addressing nutrition. Gary bought her a Vita Mix, so delicious kale and fruit drinks are being blended each moring. Sharon also decided to try accupunture, and began right after her first visit to the ND.

This new pace of life is slowly beginning to find a rhythm. Normalcy, such as grocery shopping and dog walking has returned. Mom celebrated her birthday with a small group of girlfriends, thanksgiving with Gary's son's family, and the civil war game with another couple.

Thanksgiving provided different reflection this year. Awareness of the change of life as we had known it, and an abundance of love, family, friends, and the richness of life to be thankful for.

Sharon's advice to family over the thanksgiving season: Carpe Diem. Seize the Day.

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