Thursday, November 6, 2008

yes we can

Friday the 31st was a rough day. Sharon’s body did not respond well to the chemo med that she was receiving. The therapy was cut short due to an adverse reaction, and a new solution was sought. The doctor prescribed a new medication that began Thursday the 6th. The downside of the new med is that it causes hair loss. The upside is that for Sharon the medication is less toxic, with fewer side effects. So that was an easy decision.

yes we can.

Saturday, in Sharon’s words, was the best day she had in two weeks. And it was the beginning of an excellent week to come. To date her appetite has improved, she has entertained more visitors and phone calls, and gone out more. A bit of the cancer cloud has been lifted.

yes we can.

Wednesday the portacath was installed, a device often used in chemo patients to allow easy and direct access to the veins (they kept telling Sharon she had tough skin). Mom said that the procedure was easy and painless, and this is a direct quote “ I am even looking forward to chemo on Thursday”.

yes we can.

Thursday was the third round of chemo, with all three medications on board. And the day went great. There were some adjustments made in the treatment plan, so now she will only be going in every two weeks for chemotherapy. Thank you to everyone for your immense love and support. For walking alongside a woman who I do not doubt has had a positive impact on your life- whether through her selfless love or zest for life that is contagious. And for the prayers, thoughts, and good wishes you continue to send our way. I know this post is a little tongue and cheek, but I also believe it.

yes we can.


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