Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dec 3, 2008

This is Sharon attempting to access the blog and say hello. I first off need to thank my
beautiful and ever thoughtful daughter Olivia on setting this blog up and keeping it updated.
There was no way I could communicate w/everyone important to me as to what was going on.

I am doing well overall. Good energy, good tolerance for the most part of my established chemo drugs, beyond wonderful support(espeically Gary, Olivia and Aleyna..all so selfless) near and afar, and most days a good attitude.

This week marks the beginning of my working from home some..maybe 8-10 hrs/week.
It feels right and welltimed. I am looking forward to some mental challenge and feel less
"fuzzy" compared to the last 6 or so weeks. Backing off on some of my drugs has helped this.

My days are slower than they used to be always filled with a 1-2 hr nap. I spend my time
w/acupunture (twice so far), yesterday a free 2 hour massage, lunch w/friends, reading, following up on insurance issues and working on line w/cancer questions (well actually Gary does more of this than I do) and then the relatively normal everyday tasks.

Thanx to so many of you for meals delivered. WE have cooked few dinners since 10/16 and all have been delicious and have made our lives so much simpler. Thank you.

All in all we're doing OK...speak for myself. Gary has a 70th birthday he'll celebrate tomorrow, 12/4, and is having a hard time relating to the number. I'm so lucky to have him in my life.
We're both so grateful for all of you, your funny cards, your commments of support and your loving eyes when you come visit. Words can't express our endless appreciation.

Much love and carpe diem

I am down to chemo twice monthy w/my next one this Friday, 12/5.

Monday, December 1, 2008

With Thanks

The week before Thanksgiving Aleyna and Olivia came home to spend some holiday and birthday time with Sharon. Sharon had her last chemotherapy on 11/ 19, and was feeling tired and wiped out for the first few days following the treatment. By the fourth day out her energy had begun to return, and she was very interested in taking a birthday dessert trip to a gelato shop with her daughters.

Sharon and Olivia visited a naturopathic doctor, and found the visit really helpful. The goal with the naturopathic doctor is to provide support for symptoms from chemo and to address side effects such as fatigue, nausea, etc. The doctor provided valuable information in many areas, such as addressing nutrition. Gary bought her a Vita Mix, so delicious kale and fruit drinks are being blended each moring. Sharon also decided to try accupunture, and began right after her first visit to the ND.

This new pace of life is slowly beginning to find a rhythm. Normalcy, such as grocery shopping and dog walking has returned. Mom celebrated her birthday with a small group of girlfriends, thanksgiving with Gary's son's family, and the civil war game with another couple.

Thanksgiving provided different reflection this year. Awareness of the change of life as we had known it, and an abundance of love, family, friends, and the richness of life to be thankful for.

Sharon's advice to family over the thanksgiving season: Carpe Diem. Seize the Day.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Smackin' It Back

Yesterday Sharon had a chest x-ray.

The mass was originally 5.1 x 2.7 and is now 4.7 x 2.6. While we have been advised that these readings can oscillate, there is no better news we could have asked for.

The tumor is in the 'smack back' direction, right where we want it. Responding to the chemo, visualizations, prayers, hopes, and EXPECTATIONS that we have for it.

Sharon continues to do really well. She speaks of the 'tumah' using her Arnold voice and calls family members on the phone while she is out of breath because she is engaged in her daily exercise regime. She is also looking into acupuncture and additional consults from a naturopathic doctor to broaden her scope of care.

So that's the good update for now, more to come later.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

yes we can

Friday the 31st was a rough day. Sharon’s body did not respond well to the chemo med that she was receiving. The therapy was cut short due to an adverse reaction, and a new solution was sought. The doctor prescribed a new medication that began Thursday the 6th. The downside of the new med is that it causes hair loss. The upside is that for Sharon the medication is less toxic, with fewer side effects. So that was an easy decision.

yes we can.

Saturday, in Sharon’s words, was the best day she had in two weeks. And it was the beginning of an excellent week to come. To date her appetite has improved, she has entertained more visitors and phone calls, and gone out more. A bit of the cancer cloud has been lifted.

yes we can.

Wednesday the portacath was installed, a device often used in chemo patients to allow easy and direct access to the veins (they kept telling Sharon she had tough skin). Mom said that the procedure was easy and painless, and this is a direct quote “ I am even looking forward to chemo on Thursday”.

yes we can.

Thursday was the third round of chemo, with all three medications on board. And the day went great. There were some adjustments made in the treatment plan, so now she will only be going in every two weeks for chemotherapy. Thank you to everyone for your immense love and support. For walking alongside a woman who I do not doubt has had a positive impact on your life- whether through her selfless love or zest for life that is contagious. And for the prayers, thoughts, and good wishes you continue to send our way. I know this post is a little tongue and cheek, but I also believe it.

yes we can.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Visualization- a letter to Sharon

Dear, dear, Sharonee,

I believe today will be your second chemo treatment. I woke up thinking
about you. I'm thinking about you a lot these days, many times throughout
every day (and at night when I wake up my requisite
2 to 4 times!). And I want you to know what I am thinking about.
After several days of dwelling on fearful, worrying, concerned and sad
thoughts, I decided if I'm going to have you on my mind all the time, I
might as well make better use of the time and the thoughts, so I shifted my
focus. Here's what I do:

First, I visualize your lungs. I have no idea of what color healthy lungs
are, but I've chosen a nice calm, but lively, grey color. So, I picture
your lovely grey lungs as soft and flexible and clear of any impediments.
They are exactly what they are meant to be in the body of a (young!) woman
your age. I see them breathing in and out comfortably, filled with life and
and restorative oxygen that they then release to feed your body. Then I
picture your liver, for which I've chosen a rich purplish-pink color. It is
fully clear of spots or growths, resting in it's appropriate space and doing
what it does best (what exactly is that anyway?). Then I move along through
the rest of your body, doing a quick scan and visualizing healthy, fully
functioning organs and parts, all working to keep you healthy and whole.

And if my fickle mind hasn't already wandered off into some other realm,
then I move along and picture you as an aging crone, maybe 75 or 80 years
old. You are still your devilish self and zany as ever, but with a few more
wrinkles (and, sorry, a slightly longer nose - they do keep growing you
know). In my visualization you are quietly reflecting on that awful year
back in 2008-09 when you had to deal with those harsh chemo treatments to
fight off that unwelcome cancer, and you are feeling calm and grateful that
you did fight it off and that you continued to live a full and satisfying
life, surrounded by your loving family and friends.

So, today, when you come to my mind, I am going to visualize you seated in
that chemo chair, relaxed and comfortable, with the meds flowing directly
and only to wherever they need to be to most effectively heal and protect
you. The drugs themselves are a bright, spring green color, and they are
moving with your blood through your veins to spend some time washing your
lungs and liver with life and good health, taking with them when they leave
the vagrant, uninvited cells that should not be there. They are giving you
strength instead of taking it away (and they are moving really quickly
through your stomach so as not to disturb it).

Then I will picture you going home to a quiet, comfortable nap where you
will rest deeply and dream dreams of being well again. And I will picture
all your many, many friends and relations standing quietly around you as you
rest, infusing you with their love, comforting embrace and desire to do for
you whatever you need and want them to do.

Lots of love,


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Welcome to Sharon’s blog, a place where you can read updates about her life. Please leave comments on the blog and send a note of encouragement. Gary and Olivia will be writing the updates.

Sharon’s Medical Situation: Sharon had been having blood clots in her lower legs for a couple of weeks and the cause was unknown. She had been taking it easy, and then last Wednesday, October 16, she was having trouble breathing and went in to the ER. This is where they discovered that one of the clots had moved to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. The chest x-ray also revealed a mass on the lungs, which we now know is cancerous. Further tests showed that the cancer has also spread to the liver. After further tests this last week, we now know that the cancer has not spread to other organs; the scan of the brain and pelvic region were negative (yes, many jokes have been made about how nothing was found in mom’s brain...)

The plan is to treat her with three different chemotherapy drugs intravenously. She began last Thursday the 24th. She will be doing this course of chemo for 6 months, with a three weeks on and one week off. She is seeing an excellent oncologist at Pacific Oncology and we believe she is in good hands. We are also looking into other ways of fighting the cancer, such as through nutrition. Any suggestions, advice, personal experience are welcome.

The outpouring of love and support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for the notes, emails, home cooked meals and for making our home smell like a botanical garden. Many people have offered to help make meals, do errands, etc. I am sure we will need your help. We will let you know more specifically how once we have it figured out.

For now, feel free to continue to send your love in letters or electronically to or or or

If you have any questions you can also email Olivia at or

Peace to you,
The Morgan-Folker-Roche’s