In Lieu of Flowers, please contribute in Sharon's name to one of the following, or your favorite charity.
Central Asia Institute
PO Box7209
Bozeman, MT 59771
Oregon Humane Society
PO Box 11364
Portland, OR 97211-0364 and follow directions for "donate for loved one
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Memorial Service
The service honoring and celebrating Sharon's life will be held Sunday, March 29 at 2:00 pm at Westminister Presbyterian Church.
Westminister Presbyterian Church
1624 NE Hancock St
Portland, OR 97212
More information to come.
Westminister Presbyterian Church
1624 NE Hancock St
Portland, OR 97212
More information to come.
Sharon passed away peacefully in her sleep this morning. She was not in any pain, and was with her family. I know this will come as a shock. Her medical condition quickly deteriorated, and her body was ready to rest.
I am sorry to be sharing this information in such an impersonal way. Gary, Aleyna and I feel it is important for everyone to know, and right now are not in a space to be repeating it over the phone.
We will provide more information regarding a service when we have it available.
With love,
I am sorry to be sharing this information in such an impersonal way. Gary, Aleyna and I feel it is important for everyone to know, and right now are not in a space to be repeating it over the phone.
We will provide more information regarding a service when we have it available.
With love,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Still in the hospital
This is Olivia, and I wanted to let everyone know what is currently going on.
Sharon is still in the hospital at St. Vincent's. Yesterday she had an angiogram to evaluate the options for further treatment of the cancer. The angiogram showed that she meets the critera, but based on her current health it is not a good choice for right now. Since the angiogram she has been more confused. Because of the confusion she will not be discharged today, which had been the plan. We are getting everything prepared at home for when she is discharged from the hospital.
Currently we(Aleyna, Gary and Olivia) are spending lots of time with Sharon at the hospital, being advocates for her care and evaluating the best choices for proceeding.
We really appreciate all the love and support we are receiving. We wanted to respond to all the kind offers to come visit Sharon in the hospital, and to let everyone know that at this point visits are not a good idea. I will definitely let you know when we feel it is a good time.
I will try to keep everyone up to date as frequently as possible; I know that not knowing can cause a lot of angst.
Sharon is still in the hospital at St. Vincent's. Yesterday she had an angiogram to evaluate the options for further treatment of the cancer. The angiogram showed that she meets the critera, but based on her current health it is not a good choice for right now. Since the angiogram she has been more confused. Because of the confusion she will not be discharged today, which had been the plan. We are getting everything prepared at home for when she is discharged from the hospital.
Currently we(Aleyna, Gary and Olivia) are spending lots of time with Sharon at the hospital, being advocates for her care and evaluating the best choices for proceeding.
We really appreciate all the love and support we are receiving. We wanted to respond to all the kind offers to come visit Sharon in the hospital, and to let everyone know that at this point visits are not a good idea. I will definitely let you know when we feel it is a good time.
I will try to keep everyone up to date as frequently as possible; I know that not knowing can cause a lot of angst.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
In the Hospital
Sunday the 8th mom was at a cafe with her good friend Sue when she passed out, seeming to role her ankle in the process. This left her in quite a bit of pain and off her feet for the majority of last week. She was still unable to have chemotherapy because her blood counts are too low to sustain the treatment.
Friday the 13th she went in for her scheduled angiogram, the procedure to indicate if her body will accept the next course of treatment that involves direct radiation. When she arrived at the doctor's office, her sentences were not making sense and the doctor noticed that something was not right. She had a brain MRI that revealed small bilateral infarctions, which means that she had a few mini strokes. They also discovered that she did not sprain her ankle, but she fractured it in two different places.
The doctor had her admitted to St. Vincent's, where she is currently. She is getting rest, receiving care, and had her her ankle casted. At this point it looks as though surgery on the ankle is not an option due to her weakened health. The angiogram is scheduled for Tuesday the 17th, as long as her blood values are stable. She will be in the hospital until at least this time, and based on the results of this a new plan will be formed.
As far as mom herself, she is improving from the state she was in Friday. Her sentences are more coherent and she is becoming aware of what happened. She is extremely exhausted and spends much of her time resting.
More updates to come as we know more. Thanks for all the love you send up and towards Sharon.
Friday the 13th she went in for her scheduled angiogram, the procedure to indicate if her body will accept the next course of treatment that involves direct radiation. When she arrived at the doctor's office, her sentences were not making sense and the doctor noticed that something was not right. She had a brain MRI that revealed small bilateral infarctions, which means that she had a few mini strokes. They also discovered that she did not sprain her ankle, but she fractured it in two different places.
The doctor had her admitted to St. Vincent's, where she is currently. She is getting rest, receiving care, and had her her ankle casted. At this point it looks as though surgery on the ankle is not an option due to her weakened health. The angiogram is scheduled for Tuesday the 17th, as long as her blood values are stable. She will be in the hospital until at least this time, and based on the results of this a new plan will be formed.
As far as mom herself, she is improving from the state she was in Friday. Her sentences are more coherent and she is becoming aware of what happened. She is extremely exhausted and spends much of her time resting.
More updates to come as we know more. Thanks for all the love you send up and towards Sharon.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Update on the Lung and Liver
I had a third CT scan last Thursday 2/26. The doctor wanted to check on both lung and liver, but mostly the liver status. Great news is that the lung tumor is almost
gone..."blasted to smitherings" I believe the oncologist said. There is no
tumor in the middle the preexisting tumor, only a bit of the tumor hanging off
the periphery. A definite success from the chemo he was using.
The not so good news from the scan is that the liver tumors are more and
some are larger that we initially saw in 10/08. There was some question
about this in the January scan but this was confirmed in Februray. So Gary
and I had a consult w/a new interventional radiologist today at St
Vincent's hospital. He explained the best procedure that is out there, which
that we will pursue. He will perform an angiogram within the week to make
sure all veins and pathways into the liver are open. Then he will close down
some pathways via cauterization, like between the liver and stomach and
liver and pancreas. Then about 10 days later he will perform a procedure
whereby he will insert radioactive beads directly into the liver via my
blood stream. These beads will be specific to kill the liver tumors and
will be effective for about 2 weeks. Rather painless to me I'm told.
He will repeat this bead insertion about 6 times every 2 weeks. We will
also be looking at new liver directed chemo at some point....not sure when
Both Gary and I feel good that we are now centering on the liver as we've
always known this would be the major organ to "attack" and the one with much
more cancer in it from the beginning. So our journey takes a turn that was
somewhat expected and in our minds will keep us going down the path of
healing. We are encouraged by the near death of the lung tumor and hope
the liver follows suit. This radioactive procedure has very high success
in reducing tumor size. And no I won't glow in the least no more
than normal.
Again, we appreciate all of your support, love, listening ears, support of
my children, wonderful meals and endless acts of kindness. Without you we couldn't be
as strong as we have been. Thank you. We are OK and marching forward...more smacking
ahead of us.
gone..."blasted to smitherings" I believe the oncologist said. There is no
tumor in the middle the preexisting tumor, only a bit of the tumor hanging off
the periphery. A definite success from the chemo he was using.
The not so good news from the scan is that the liver tumors are more and
some are larger that we initially saw in 10/08. There was some question
about this in the January scan but this was confirmed in Februray. So Gary
and I had a consult w/a new interventional radiologist today at St
Vincent's hospital. He explained the best procedure that is out there, which
that we will pursue. He will perform an angiogram within the week to make
sure all veins and pathways into the liver are open. Then he will close down
some pathways via cauterization, like between the liver and stomach and
liver and pancreas. Then about 10 days later he will perform a procedure
whereby he will insert radioactive beads directly into the liver via my
blood stream. These beads will be specific to kill the liver tumors and
will be effective for about 2 weeks. Rather painless to me I'm told.
He will repeat this bead insertion about 6 times every 2 weeks. We will
also be looking at new liver directed chemo at some point....not sure when
Both Gary and I feel good that we are now centering on the liver as we've
always known this would be the major organ to "attack" and the one with much
more cancer in it from the beginning. So our journey takes a turn that was
somewhat expected and in our minds will keep us going down the path of
healing. We are encouraged by the near death of the lung tumor and hope
the liver follows suit. This radioactive procedure has very high success
in reducing tumor size. And no I won't glow in the least no more
than normal.
Again, we appreciate all of your support, love, listening ears, support of
my children, wonderful meals and endless acts of kindness. Without you we couldn't be
as strong as we have been. Thank you. We are OK and marching forward...more smacking
ahead of us.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
CT Results
On January 26 mom had a CT scan, the first scan since her diagnosis to evaluate her lung, liver, and the effects of the chemotherapy(also my birthday). The results showed that the lung tumor had reduced from it's original 5.1 bye 2.7 in October to the dimensions of 1.6 by 1.5. And that liver tumors, while still present, are also improved in their size. The oncologist has said that the chemo seems to be working well throughout all the systems so for now we will continue with this plan. Woo hoo and happy birthday to me!
Another CT scan scheduled for 2 months from now and then we can determine
the next piece of this journey. Mom was given some new medications to help with the fatigue that follows chemo, especially for when she receives the 3 drugs. Days following the 3 drug infusion are usually spent sleeping a lot.
Gary and I are both feeling more optimistic than we have in 3 1/2 months
and it's feeling great.
Sharon received her beautiful quilt from so many friends and family on Saturday, 1/10,
and was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love throughout the quilt. The
time, coordination, thoughtfulness and beauty were beyond words. Thank you everyone involved in this process especially Tome Boe who coordinated so much and kept it
rolling. Book Club presented it on Saturday with a lovely tea.
She spent a week in Mexico with her Book Clubbies commemorating 20 years of being
a Book Club on 1/17-24. Mom says "the best part for me was feeling just about cancer free for a
whole week. That was fantastic and something I'm hoping to hang on to and
include in my Portland life more. Less zombie like life and more smack it back approach...bit by bit. The recent scan news doesn't hurt any in this regard also".
Another CT scan scheduled for 2 months from now and then we can determine
the next piece of this journey. Mom was given some new medications to help with the fatigue that follows chemo, especially for when she receives the 3 drugs. Days following the 3 drug infusion are usually spent sleeping a lot.
Gary and I are both feeling more optimistic than we have in 3 1/2 months
and it's feeling great.
Sharon received her beautiful quilt from so many friends and family on Saturday, 1/10,
and was overwhelmed with the outpouring of love throughout the quilt. The
time, coordination, thoughtfulness and beauty were beyond words. Thank you everyone involved in this process especially Tome Boe who coordinated so much and kept it
rolling. Book Club presented it on Saturday with a lovely tea.
She spent a week in Mexico with her Book Clubbies commemorating 20 years of being
a Book Club on 1/17-24. Mom says "the best part for me was feeling just about cancer free for a
whole week. That was fantastic and something I'm hoping to hang on to and
include in my Portland life more. Less zombie like life and more smack it back approach...bit by bit. The recent scan news doesn't hurt any in this regard also".

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year
Hello to all. Sorry for the long pause since the last post. Life has been full and busy with the holidays- that's a good excuse, right?
There are a couple updates on Sharon's health. The latest chest xray on 12/17 indicated a significant loss in density and mass of the tumor, but not the dimension. Mom says they call it the swiss cheese effect on the tumor, and this is a good thing.
There is a CT scan scheduled for 1/30 which will give a 3 D picture of both
lung/liver tumors....more conclusive picture.
Mom says she is feeling fine for the most party, riding the chemo wave of fatigue post chemo that is always improving until the next round. She has still been battling blood clots to some extent, but for now they seem to be under control with new medications.
Sharon's Book Club 20th anniversary trip to Mexico is from 1/17-24 with her 9 beautiful and wonderful women friends who have been an outstanding support to her through this ordeal/life change. Currently Sharon has a ticket and has been cleared and encouraged by her doctor to go. So send your good thoughts for the upcoming time in Mexico and the scan in January.
Due to Portland's blizzard this year, holiday time was switched around a little bit. Olivia arrived Christmas day, and Olivia, Jason, and Joan spent Christmas with Sharon and Gary on Maplecrest. Aleyna was stuck in Corvalis due to snow and work, but got to see Hector the day of Christmas and finally made it to Portland Saturday for a shindig with the Folker Morgan Roche clan. Once again, we all had good perspective on the gift of getting to be together and celebrate family and life.
Peace to all,
There are a couple updates on Sharon's health. The latest chest xray on 12/17 indicated a significant loss in density and mass of the tumor, but not the dimension. Mom says they call it the swiss cheese effect on the tumor, and this is a good thing.
There is a CT scan scheduled for 1/30 which will give a 3 D picture of both
lung/liver tumors....more conclusive picture.
Mom says she is feeling fine for the most party, riding the chemo wave of fatigue post chemo that is always improving until the next round. She has still been battling blood clots to some extent, but for now they seem to be under control with new medications.
Sharon's Book Club 20th anniversary trip to Mexico is from 1/17-24 with her 9 beautiful and wonderful women friends who have been an outstanding support to her through this ordeal/life change. Currently Sharon has a ticket and has been cleared and encouraged by her doctor to go. So send your good thoughts for the upcoming time in Mexico and the scan in January.
Due to Portland's blizzard this year, holiday time was switched around a little bit. Olivia arrived Christmas day, and Olivia, Jason, and Joan spent Christmas with Sharon and Gary on Maplecrest. Aleyna was stuck in Corvalis due to snow and work, but got to see Hector the day of Christmas and finally made it to Portland Saturday for a shindig with the Folker Morgan Roche clan. Once again, we all had good perspective on the gift of getting to be together and celebrate family and life.
Peace to all,
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